Paint Chips
Digestion Method: ASTM E 1645-01 or EPA 3050A
Analytical Method: EPA 7420, EPA 6010
Minimum material needed: 0.1 g
MDL: 0.01 percent weight, 50 mg/Kg (ppm)
Regulatory Limits:
HUD: 5000 ppm or 0.5 weight percent
OSHA: 600 ppm or 0.06 weight percent
Reporting units: mg/Kg, ppm or weight percent
mg/cm2 will be provided upon request.
Soil and Solid Waste
Analytical Method: EPA 7420 or EPA 6010
Minimum material needed: 5.0 g
MDL: 2.0 mg/Kg (ppm)
Regulatory Limits:
TTLC: 1000 mg/Kg (ppm)
STLC: 5.0 mg/L (ppm)
Reporting units: mg/Kg, ppm
Waste Water
Analytical Method: EPA 7420, SM 3111b or C, EPA 239.1
Minimum material needed: 250 mL
MDL: 0.1 mg/L (ppm)
Regulatory Limits:
TTLC: 1000 mg/Kg (ppm)
Reporting units: mg/L (ppm)